Association Documents
Declarations (and related Amendments/Agreements)
- Second Amended Declaration
- 2013 First Amendment to Second Amended Declaration
- 2015 Supplementary Declaration and Annexation (Ranch Creek)
- 2015 Termination Agreement (Ranch Creek)
- 2020 Lot Access Agreement (Bailey)
- 2001 Restrictive Covenant (Bailey)
- 2001 Amendment to Second Amended Declaration (Bailey)
- 2001 Amendment to Declaration of Easements (Bailey)
Policies, Procedures, and Rules
- Adoption of Policies, Procedures, Rules, Regulations, or Guidelines (1-1-2006)
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy (2-8-2016)
- Asbestos Policy (10-5-2009)
- Board Members Conflicts of Interest Policies and Procedures (1-1-2006)
- Board Packet Policy (1-8-2024)
- Collection of Unpaid Assessment Policy (9-12-2022)
- Conduct of Meeting Policy and Procedures (9-12-2022)
- Enforcement Policy (9-12-2022)
- Insurance Deductibles Policy and Procedures (4-1-2015)
- Investment of Reserve Policy (1-1-2006)
- Ranch Rules (6-23-2023)
- Record Retention and Inspection Policy (9-13-2013)
- Reserve Study Policy (2-8-2016)